Sunday, December 20, 2015

Justice League: The New Frontier 2008

DC animated movies are usually just as good or even better than live action films, They definitely dropped the ball here. Key issues in this film included the confusion over who/what is the villain, and the under representation of powers for popular heroes. I'll go into more detail below.

I would like to say that I love the cover art for this film, which is why  I (unfortunately) bought it in the first place. It pictures a multitude of heroes, but less than half were in the film. It was disappointing not to see Metamoprho in the film (pictured behind the Flash),  because I really feel that his powers are under appreciated. Another thing that I did appreciate in this movie is the time period in which it takes place. The film is based between 1953 and 1960. A perspective that is seldom explored in comics nowadays, it's always pleasing to experience something fresh. 

Now lets get to why I'm disappointed in my purchase...

There is this cult leader identified as "The Centre" I guess at the end they attempt clear up who/what "The Centre" actually is, but I was completely confused nonetheless.  Was it because of poor plot development/writing or was I sleeping??? The world may never know. This is the main villain they are fighting, not sure if villain is the right word for what "The Centre" is, but it is an easy label. I won't spoil anything for you guys, but just know that this movie is like a bad break up...NO CLOSURE. 

The dialogue, for the most part, was really corny. So corny that I wanted to vomit. And that's all I have to say about that. 

Finally, the under representation of powers for major heroes. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Martian Manhunter is EXTREMELY powerful. Some of his powers include telepathy, strength, flight, shape shifting, etc. This movie only really showcased his flight, which is nothing exciting when you get down to it. We really don't get to see him take advantage of his powers against the enemy. (Which I guess in The Centre???)  And to make matters worse his outfit was awful, he looked like some super friendly guy, not a bad ass.

See for yourself. 

Terrible, right?

Green Lanterns powers, in my opinion, were also under represented as well. He doesn't actually obtain the ring till the end, and sure he ends up saving the day, but there is so much more that ring can actually do its crazy. I always judge these comic book movies from a completely clueless perspective. I only know how powerful these characters are from prior knowledge, not from any information provided in the film, not good!

If you really feel the overwhelming need to watch this movie, just try not to pay for it.